Life is a remarkable phenomenon to make an assessment of Sciences. In it there is a dimension of the unique and interesting to study. Some phenomena associated with life much studied by scientists is Anthropology, Symbiosis, correlation with the birth history of Science, one of which is Science Communication.
A easy and a destiny that human life can not be separated from the others, because it's true man can not live alone and he needs to establish a social community life. So that's where communication affect human life.
Kelumrahan it is shown in the form of human communication. This communication occurs because of the relationship between social members, a sense of curiosity about the environment and himself. In fact, many experts consider that communication is a fundamental requirement for a person in social life (Cangara; 2011).
So fundamental, Professor Wilbur Schramm call that communication and society are two words that twins can not be separated from each other. Because communication is not possible without a society is formed, otherwise no human society it is impossible to develop a communication (Schramm; 1982).
Such was the influence of communication in reviving human civilization. So dimensional and unique in the procession. In Biology the basic theory states that there are two needs that encouragement for humans that wish to communicate, namely the need to maintain their life and the need to adjust to the environment (Cangara; 2011).
Once we know how the effect of communication in life, then we must know how the trip history. If we walk past and look into the history of how human communication in turn accompany the journey of civilization, we know there will be a procession that has a lot of dimensions to be studied.
There is no authentication data that explain when people can communicate or when communication affect life. Communication word itself comes from the Latin word communis which means the same, or Communico, communicatio and communicare which means making the same (make to Common), which was originally used for organic needs.
Many shapes and human effort to be able to communicate that seen in past lives. One is the establishment of settlements where the population in some areas that follow the river, highways, waterfront, which aims to enable them to communicate with the outside environment around it. Gong in Roman, menggepulkan burning fire smoke in China is a symbol of communication made by humans in the past.
Moreover, as we know in the life history of mankind has been traveling to various parts of the world in the form of trade, colonization, diplomatic, and so forth, that one of the aims is to establish communication.
Over time, this type of communication was developed from the start of oral, written, until the advent of modern technologies such as communication equipment; print media, telephone, television, computer, internet, and so forth. This type of communication that has affected its human life both in the paradigm of thinking, social paradigm to the paradigna religion. So that the emerging properties of the aspects of the human psyche, which became one of the problems in his life.
Seeing the way communication affects his life so that civilization, can be divided into four generations, namely:
Generation of Oral Communication
The first generation lasted about 50 million years. Communication processes that occur in this generation was a sudden, and spontaneity. Shape and human effort to communicate is by the establishment of houses in the path of the river, in order to communicate melauli boat, canoe, and so forth. In addition, people travel from one place to another to communicate with people who are nearby.
Generation Communication Posts
After a first-generation long enough, humans find a way of communication with the second generation of media writing.
Evidence of skill this generation is marked by the discovery of inscribed clay in Sumer and Mesopotamia around 4000 years BC. Then the discovery of the writings on animal skins and stone statues. Then in a row may be mentioned the use of runes in Egypt (3000 years BC), alphabets Phunesia (1800 years BC), Ancient Greek letter (1000 years BC), Latin letters (600 years BC), the first book printing in China (in 600 AD), the use of ink and paper in Persia (in 676 AD), and in Europe (in 1200 AD).
Generation of Print Media
The third generation lasted about 500 years, beginning with the invention of printing techniques to print in 1450 by John Coster Guntenberg and in Germany that occurred in the year 5000. The discovery is claimed as a communications revolution.
The first newspaper published periodically appeared in Italy in 1562, followed by the publication of the first magazine in Germany in 1594, and the establishment of a newspaper printing press in North America in 1639.
Print print this technique also has created a new technique in the field of Journalism, both in terms of writing or drawing or caricature. In addition, the second generation has also been found with a number of techniques to communicate more communicants.
Generation of Modern Electronic Media
The fourth generation begins with the discovery that a row, starting with the invention of photography in the top iron plate (in 1827), the telegraph by Samuel Morse (1844), Telegraph Print by David Hughes (1955), Trans Atlantic Cable (1866), telephone by Alexander Graham Bell (1876), a radio telegraph by Guglielmo Marconi (1895), as well as demonstrating America the success of black and white TV sets in 1927.
The development of communications continues to grow rapidly after the United States successfully demonstrated TV sets, to achieve interactive communication. In that relatively short period of time, a variety of communication media were found. Starting from the first computer that was found in the United States in 1942, Laboratory of Electronics transister by Bell in 1947, and a color TV in 1951.
Six years later, the Russian berhasilmeluncurkan Spuntik satellite into space in 1957, followed by the United States with the Telstar satellite in 1962, and the invention of the video recorder (1968), fiber optic signal (1975), a TV computer games (1976 ), fax and remote printing (1980), teleconference, telephoto, video phone, video-magazine, computer modem (1985), until the invention of cell phones and the Internet in 1990.
Similarly, the length of the development of communication, ranging from the traditional, ancient to modern technology. The development of the unconscious has been influential in the lives of individuals or social good.
Communication has been providing color in people's lives, shorten the distance, narrow world and facilitate socializing. However, it can not be denied any progress not all have a positive impact, but sometimes have a negative effect.
The positive impact of the development will dianfaatkan human communication to improve the quality and quantity in the socializing that produce a variety of professions can even make money. However, if the negative impact of the development of communication will bring conflict among humans as well as the extent of the crime which is certainly not required by most humans. This influence is the scenario that has tergariskan human destiny created god because one of them is to communicate.
Once the magnitude of the effect of communication in human life, then Peter Drucker, a management analyst with the United States considered that; in countries that are already developed, then any expenditure in the form of dollars, in addition to food and clothing is spent for the benefit of communication. Drucker prove it by pointing phone credit payments, dues tv, internet, fax, radio, newspaper and magazine subscriptions, seminars, watching, recreation, books, computers, all to meet the information needs.
All this happens because of the influence of the communication process runs as it should. Communicant communicator with each other giving and receiving the messages being communicated.
One of the effects of communication that can be found in everyday life around us, is found in the use of communication access. For example, the use of computers, which at first only certain people who know about computers are allowed to use the computer, but now almost all people from all walks of life can use a computer even if the person does not know about computers. This occurs because the communication has been socializing society.
A easy and a destiny that human life can not be separated from the others, because it's true man can not live alone and he needs to establish a social community life. So that's where communication affect human life.
Kelumrahan it is shown in the form of human communication. This communication occurs because of the relationship between social members, a sense of curiosity about the environment and himself. In fact, many experts consider that communication is a fundamental requirement for a person in social life (Cangara; 2011).
So fundamental, Professor Wilbur Schramm call that communication and society are two words that twins can not be separated from each other. Because communication is not possible without a society is formed, otherwise no human society it is impossible to develop a communication (Schramm; 1982).
Such was the influence of communication in reviving human civilization. So dimensional and unique in the procession. In Biology the basic theory states that there are two needs that encouragement for humans that wish to communicate, namely the need to maintain their life and the need to adjust to the environment (Cangara; 2011).
Once we know how the effect of communication in life, then we must know how the trip history. If we walk past and look into the history of how human communication in turn accompany the journey of civilization, we know there will be a procession that has a lot of dimensions to be studied.
There is no authentication data that explain when people can communicate or when communication affect life. Communication word itself comes from the Latin word communis which means the same, or Communico, communicatio and communicare which means making the same (make to Common), which was originally used for organic needs.
Many shapes and human effort to be able to communicate that seen in past lives. One is the establishment of settlements where the population in some areas that follow the river, highways, waterfront, which aims to enable them to communicate with the outside environment around it. Gong in Roman, menggepulkan burning fire smoke in China is a symbol of communication made by humans in the past.
Moreover, as we know in the life history of mankind has been traveling to various parts of the world in the form of trade, colonization, diplomatic, and so forth, that one of the aims is to establish communication.
Over time, this type of communication was developed from the start of oral, written, until the advent of modern technologies such as communication equipment; print media, telephone, television, computer, internet, and so forth. This type of communication that has affected its human life both in the paradigm of thinking, social paradigm to the paradigna religion. So that the emerging properties of the aspects of the human psyche, which became one of the problems in his life.
Seeing the way communication affects his life so that civilization, can be divided into four generations, namely:
Generation of Oral Communication
The first generation lasted about 50 million years. Communication processes that occur in this generation was a sudden, and spontaneity. Shape and human effort to communicate is by the establishment of houses in the path of the river, in order to communicate melauli boat, canoe, and so forth. In addition, people travel from one place to another to communicate with people who are nearby.
Generation Communication Posts
After a first-generation long enough, humans find a way of communication with the second generation of media writing.
Evidence of skill this generation is marked by the discovery of inscribed clay in Sumer and Mesopotamia around 4000 years BC. Then the discovery of the writings on animal skins and stone statues. Then in a row may be mentioned the use of runes in Egypt (3000 years BC), alphabets Phunesia (1800 years BC), Ancient Greek letter (1000 years BC), Latin letters (600 years BC), the first book printing in China (in 600 AD), the use of ink and paper in Persia (in 676 AD), and in Europe (in 1200 AD).
Generation of Print Media
The third generation lasted about 500 years, beginning with the invention of printing techniques to print in 1450 by John Coster Guntenberg and in Germany that occurred in the year 5000. The discovery is claimed as a communications revolution.
The first newspaper published periodically appeared in Italy in 1562, followed by the publication of the first magazine in Germany in 1594, and the establishment of a newspaper printing press in North America in 1639.
Print print this technique also has created a new technique in the field of Journalism, both in terms of writing or drawing or caricature. In addition, the second generation has also been found with a number of techniques to communicate more communicants.
Generation of Modern Electronic Media
The fourth generation begins with the discovery that a row, starting with the invention of photography in the top iron plate (in 1827), the telegraph by Samuel Morse (1844), Telegraph Print by David Hughes (1955), Trans Atlantic Cable (1866), telephone by Alexander Graham Bell (1876), a radio telegraph by Guglielmo Marconi (1895), as well as demonstrating America the success of black and white TV sets in 1927.
The development of communications continues to grow rapidly after the United States successfully demonstrated TV sets, to achieve interactive communication. In that relatively short period of time, a variety of communication media were found. Starting from the first computer that was found in the United States in 1942, Laboratory of Electronics transister by Bell in 1947, and a color TV in 1951.
Six years later, the Russian berhasilmeluncurkan Spuntik satellite into space in 1957, followed by the United States with the Telstar satellite in 1962, and the invention of the video recorder (1968), fiber optic signal (1975), a TV computer games (1976 ), fax and remote printing (1980), teleconference, telephoto, video phone, video-magazine, computer modem (1985), until the invention of cell phones and the Internet in 1990.
Similarly, the length of the development of communication, ranging from the traditional, ancient to modern technology. The development of the unconscious has been influential in the lives of individuals or social good.
Communication has been providing color in people's lives, shorten the distance, narrow world and facilitate socializing. However, it can not be denied any progress not all have a positive impact, but sometimes have a negative effect.
The positive impact of the development will dianfaatkan human communication to improve the quality and quantity in the socializing that produce a variety of professions can even make money. However, if the negative impact of the development of communication will bring conflict among humans as well as the extent of the crime which is certainly not required by most humans. This influence is the scenario that has tergariskan human destiny created god because one of them is to communicate.
Once the magnitude of the effect of communication in human life, then Peter Drucker, a management analyst with the United States considered that; in countries that are already developed, then any expenditure in the form of dollars, in addition to food and clothing is spent for the benefit of communication. Drucker prove it by pointing phone credit payments, dues tv, internet, fax, radio, newspaper and magazine subscriptions, seminars, watching, recreation, books, computers, all to meet the information needs.
All this happens because of the influence of the communication process runs as it should. Communicant communicator with each other giving and receiving the messages being communicated.
One of the effects of communication that can be found in everyday life around us, is found in the use of communication access. For example, the use of computers, which at first only certain people who know about computers are allowed to use the computer, but now almost all people from all walks of life can use a computer even if the person does not know about computers. This occurs because the communication has been socializing society.
Written by: Dede Anna
Menghidupkan Komunikasi, Updated at: 11:02 PM
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